Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Cultural Observations 1

If you want to screw up an Indian driver, disconnect his car horn…

If you want to screw up security in the Philippines, take away the magic chop stick they use to poke in your briefcase to find bombs…

The Philippines is all screwed up anyway, but if you really want to completely screw it up, ban all talking for one day, especially from short ass Gloria…

If you want to see screwed up Singaporean’s, wait until the Old man dies. They are going to be like a bunch of chickens with no head…

If you want to screw up the French, insist all the old art objects in the Louvre get returned to their country of origin….

If you want to screw up the British, take away their umbrella’s …

If you really want to screw up the British, insist on metrication….no more miles, no more pints, no more pounds….

If you want to screw up the Arabs, take away all the Expat’s…no more Indian’s, no more Philippino’s, no more westerners…then what?

If you want to screw up the Iranian’s, its easy. The American’s should ban any American bank from having dealings with any foreign bank with corresponding relations with Iranian banks…

If you want to screw up the Italian’s, insist they work in August…

If you want to screw up the Spanish, insist they speak French…

If you want to piss off the American’s, call them Canadian’s…

If you want to piss off the Austrians, call them German's...

If you want to piss off the Belgian's, call them Dutch...

If you want to understand the Scandinavian's its easy, it works like this..
All good ideas are thought of by the clever Finns in the dark nights of winter, and maufactured by the precise Swedes and then sold by the Danish Jews to the stupid Norwegians.

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